January 2025 Minutes

Langriville Parish Annual Council Meeting
21st January 2025 7pm 
Langrick Village Hall. 
In attendance Vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Perryman, Cllr Reynolds, Cllr Standage, District Cllr Ashton, One Member of The Public.
1.01 Welcome from Vice Chairman 
Quick turnaround due to precept needing to go in
Chairmans resignation – great shame
Diocese – no firm reply, don’t want to pay legal fees, 10 year lease.
Clerk in sorting bank into new account – can use online and telephone. Same safeguards on dual signatories.
Village hall maintenance gone ahead and noticeboard repaired and white gates fixed and cleaned.
New monthly booking for hall
New cleaner, and a gardener.
Newsletter done
2.01 resignation.
Cllr Marshall – spoke to previous Chairman after resignation, reference to delivery of speaking to chairman at last meeting. Understandable and relevant comments, heavy and over the top comments. Due to the incident it brought about the departure of Chairman from the council. Saddened by his demise.
Cllr Chalmers– free training available to councillors on Lincolnshire county council website.
Cllr Reynolds – left feeling uncomfortable over delivery. Personal attack. Conversation should have been held separately not during meeting.
Cllr Standage – didn’t agree with how the meeting seemed rehearsed.
3.01 Election of Chairman – signing declaration of acceptance of office
Defer to next meeting – proposed Vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh-Morris
Seconded Cllr Standage RESOLVED
3.01 Election of vice Chairman – signing declaration of office
Defer to next meeting – proposed Vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh-Morris
Seconded Cllr Standage RESOLVED
4.01 Apologies For absence – none 
5.01      Co-option of Councillor – should Council have received any written applications.
George Roome – lives in Antons Gowt would like to be co-opted onto Langriville parish Council. Proposed by – Vice Cllr Ashleigh- Morris
Seconded – Cllr Marshall RESOLVED
Cllr Roome joined the meeting
6.01 Declarations of interest and requests for dispensations – in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Completed by Cllr Roome
8.01 Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the    meeting held on the 10th September 2024 amended, 
Draft notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the    meeting held on the 12th November 2024 Proposed by vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh Morris , seconded Cllr Perryman, RESOLVED
9.01 Elan Speed indicators – Cllr Perryman reported the speed reduction, updated the speed monitors to reflect this. Speed change has made the figures look as though the percentage of speeders is higher. Will take a little while to bring it back down. Speed in the parish is low though and the signs are still proving successful. Cllrs noted how the speed signs are picking you up prior to getting near the sign. 
District Cllr Jones joined the meeting.
10.01 Reports – District and County Council – District Cllr Ashton and District Cllr Jones
District Cllr Jones apologised for being late east linsey council will probably disappear due to devolution, will dissolve into other areas.£10  million in fund for parish projects they want to push out into smaller parishes. Community enterprise to help people in need, help with getting shopping, tying shoes etc, gets people out of hospital beds so can be back in own homes.
District Cllr Ashton government clear statement to do away with 2 tier councils. Government stated want 500,000 for single council population. Likely Lincolnshire to be split into two. Workers wont be reduced it’s the level of management. 
Training LALC offer training scheme to opt into and one off annual fee, do as many traing courses you can or want to do. 
Cllr Chalmers proposed we look into doing this seconded Vice Chairman Ashleigh-Morris. Clerk to look into LALC subscription.
Flooding this side of the Witham relatively kept in bank, but elsewhere in Lincolnshire not so luckily.
Increase number of houses by 150%. Pleased with new speed limit which was imposed.
11. budget/precept request. 
Vice chairman Ashleigh-morris proposed no increase to the precept for 2025.
Seconded – Cllr Marshall, All Cllr in agreement
12. St Margarets church –
Proposed by District Cllr Tom Ashton suggests we ask what maintenance the donation will be used for seconded by Cllr Marshall RESOLVED
11.01 Finances – proposal to pay as listed. RESOLVED
  • Wages Nov And Dec - £347, £347
  • Anglian Water November £10
  • Anglian Water December £10
12.01 Diocese update – an update on the current position with the rental of Langrick Hall.
Gave in the chairman welcome, Cllr Ashleigh-Morris happy to keep working to get the 10 year lease and no legal fees.
13.01 Village Hall.
New renter of the hall for once a month,  and the above agenda point
14.01 Village Maintenance 
Redoing damp in hall
Carpet in hall has been chewed, 
District Cllr Jones said he can make a donation to replace the carpet. Clerk to fill in grant form for this.
Gardening per hour £15 Vice chairman Ashleigh-Morris suggested.
15.01 Clerks report on any other correspondence – Clerk reported the church renters of the hall on Saturdays no longer using hall.
Next meeting date – March 11th 2025