May Annual Council Meeting 12.05.23

Notice of Meeting
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the council which will be held at Langrick Village Hall
Friday, May 12th 2023 7pm Public and press are welcome to attend.
Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to meeting for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to council. Rebecca Kendrick
1st May 2023
1. Election of Chairman – signing declaration of acceptance of office
2. Election of vice Chairman – signing declaration of office
3. Apologies for absence and reasons given
4. Co-option of Councillor – should Council have received any written applications.
5. Declarations of interest and requests for dispensations – in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
6. Draft notes March 14th 2023 previously distributed to Councillors - resolution to adopt as minutes.
7. Speed indicators – in use around the parish – report from Cllr John Wood & Cllr Perryman.
8. Reports from District Cllrs Tom Ashton / Neil Jones and Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Ashton.
9. Finance – resolution for payments shown to date – Clerk wages March, April, £308.14, £325, Clerk ILCA Training £144, British Gas £135.26, Anglian Water £5 £5, Hall hoover £95.59, Bulk cleaning supplies hall £161.11, Extra hours March/April £86.55
10. Planning – 1)Notification of Appeal on Planning Permission S/096/00197/22 – Rectory Farm.
2)Erection of Dwelling S/096/00847/23 – Land adjacent Ivydene House, Gipsey Drove.
11. Annual Audit (a) to consider and respond to the annual governance statement.
12. (b) To consider and approve annual accounting statements for 22/23 including report from internal auditor, report from internal auditors 21/22 no issues.
13. Village Hall Fees – To consider an amendment to new prices due to feedback from regular users.
14. Village Hall events – To discuss planning of local event to be held at the hall.
15. Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above.
Bekki Kendrick Clerk to Council