Parish Council Meeting January 23rd 2024

Notice of Meeting
You are hereby summoned toa meeting of the council which will be held at Langrick Village Hall
Tuesday 23rd January7pm Public and press are welcome to attend.
Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to meeting for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to council. Rebecca Bowhen.
12th January 2024
1. Welcome from Chairman
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given.
3. Draft notes November 21st 2023 previously distributed to Councillors - resolution to adopt as minutes.
4. Reports from District Cllrs Tom Ashton / Neil Jones and Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Ashton.
5. Finance – resolution for payments shown to date –
Salary December, January £325, £325
Hall & Office purchases £189.58,
Royal British Legion Poppy wreath £100,
December, January Hall Water £5 per month,
December Hall electric £147.66 January £260.69
6. Budget/Precept request – Estimated spending required for the coming year, document provided for Councillors to discuss and resolve precept for 2024/25 – No documents have arrived from East Lindsey at time of writing agenda – Tax base or precept request forms, council also required to approve by resolution that Clerk can complete and return to ELDC when they arrive.
7. Diocese Rental of Langrick village Hall – to discuss the upcoming renewal of the rental of Langrick Village hall from the Diocese.
8. St Margarets Church – to discuss the request for donation towards the upkeep of Langrick churchyard.
9. Planning – Planning reference S/096/02499/23 The Chestnuts, Legate Road, Antons Gowt, Boston PE22 7BN – to discuss the proposed planning application.
10. Speed indicators Report from Cllr Perryman, review of speed indicators. Discuss the purchase of two solar powered speed signs for the parish.
11. Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above.
Bekki Kendrick Clerk to Council