September 5th 2023 Agenda

Notice of Meeting
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the council which will be held at Langrick Village Hall
Tuesday, September 5th 2023 7pm Public and press are welcome to attend.
Fifteen minutes are allocated if needed prior to meeting for members of the public to ask questions or make short statements to council.
28th August 2023
1. Welcome from Chairman
2. Apologies for absence and reasons given –
3. Draft notes July 5th 2023 previously distributed to Councillors - resolution to adopt as minutes.
4. Speed indicators – Cllr Perryman to discuss recent finding from the speed indicators since last meeting.
5. Reports from District Cllrs Tom Ashton / Neil Jones and Lincolnshire County Cllr Tom Ashton.
6. Finance – resolution for payments shown to date –
* Salary July £325
* Salary August £325
* J.Roberts Grass Cutting - £120
* Microsoft 365 renewal - £79.99
* Arnold Barker Book - £159.99
* British Gas July £32.34, August £27.75
* Anglian Water July £5, August £5
7. Village Hall Events – to discuss future events to be held at the village hall – any new ideas to discuss since last meeting.
8. Solar powered speed indicators – to discuss purchasing one/two solar powered speed indicator signs.
9. Village maintenance – to discuss the maintenance of the village.
10. Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above.
Bekki Bowhen
Clerk to Council