November 2024 Notes

Langriville Parish Annual Council Meeting
12th November 2024 7pm 

Langrick Village Hall.
In attendance Chairman Cllr John Wood, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Katie Chalmers, Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr Reynolds, Cllr Standage, District Cllr Ashton & District Cllr Neil Jones. One Member of The Public.


1.11       Welcome from Chairman
2.11       Apologies For absence – None Received 

3.11       Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the    meeting held on the 10th September 2024, 9.09 minutes are inaccurate (not signed by Chairman needs amendment) Chairman Cllr John Wood, seconded Cllr Perryman, RESOLVED
Cllr Chalmers – Letter from Holme farm not from there, states 9.09 are inaccurate. 
5.09 Bin lorry pictures needs re-worded.
Minutes were not signed and date by Chairman.
5.09 Bus shelter in which Cllr Chalmers was referring to is that of in Antons Gowt. Which could benefit from a shelter.

4.11    Elan Speed indicators – Cllr Perryman referred to Cllr Chalmers concerns from the last meeting from the last meeting, concerns that the signs were malfunctioning and inaccurate. Cllr Perryman has spoken to technical support and has learnt that the speed signs are quite sensitive and can be triggered by even golf balls. Cllr Perryman has been looking into the sensitivity. Cllr Perryman reports the speeding is coming down a few percent each time data is collected. There is always a high speeder or two but the overall data shows that speed is reducing. Very positive outcome for the Parish.

5.11    Reports – District and County Council –District Cllr Neil Jones Reported how impressed he is with Cllr Perryman’s work with the speeding data he has collected. The bus shelter could be put on the East Lindsey investment fund. District Cllr Ashton reported echoes District Cllr Neil Jones remarks on Cllr Perryman’s commitment to the speeding within the Parish. Brylaine are willing to meet with Cllr Ashton and this is a great start. Very large solar application has been put in for the west of the county, concerns if the pylons come the east will have the grid power for solar which is a worry, although we can appose ultimately it is a government decision. Town and parish scrutiny project aimed to places with no parish council, no level of representation. Environment agency reported on the coast defence along east linsey coast, which is available to view online, from 2040 the concrete sea defences will be deteriorating beyond their safe design standard. Build on top of existing defences was suggested, may not be suitable for that and to reinforce in front or behind with new defences.

District Cllr Ashton and District Cllr Jones left the meeting to attend another meeting.

6.11    Finances – proposal to pay as listed. RESOLVED
Wages - £347
British Gas September £74.04
Anglian Water September £10
Anglian Water October £10

7.11    Diocese update – an update on the current position with the rental of Langrick Hall. Clerk reported that there have been no new updates as of yet. 

8.11 Update of the anonymous letter regarding a property and its vehicles in Antons Gowt. – Cllr Chalmers brought it to the councils attention that she believes the matter of this was not dealt with in a correct manner, personal details had been revealed which should not of happened. The matter has been dealt with and no more needs to be done regarding this matter. Vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh-Morris has suggested the installation of reflective post on the corner close to the bridge to prevent parking and causing a build up of vehicles blocking the road, proposed by Vice Chairman Cllr Ashleigh- Morris, Seconded by Cllr Chalmers. RESOLVED.

9.11        Langrick Matters update – nothing to report.

10.11    Meeting dates for 2025 – January 14th, March 11th, May 13th, July 8th, September 9th and November 11th. Proposed by Chairman Wood, Seconded Cllr Standage. RESOLVED

11.11    Clerks report on any other correspondence – Clerk reported that thew sign proposed to be removed from Langrick due to Cllrs comments on its importance will now not be removed.
All DPI’s are now uploaded to the ELDC website and displays all the current Langriville Cllrs.
Mr Roberts has emailed to say he will not be renewing his insurance and will no longer be cutting the grass within the parish.
Next meeting date – January 14th 2025

Next Agenda – Cllr Standage is moving and may be final meeting
Cllr Ashleigh Morris, Maintenance Man, Posts in Antons Gowt, Diocese
Cllr Chalmers – Speeding every other, pollution pouring out of the caravan park, encourage community events, lights for the car park area at Antons Gowt, bus shelter at Anton’s Gowt.