March 2023 Minutes

Langriville Parish Council Meeting
14th March 2023 7pm
Langrick Village Hall.
In attendance Chairman Cllr Neil Jones, District Cllr Thomas Ashton, Cllr Paula Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr John Wood, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Nigel Standage & three MOP.
Public Speaking.
MOP 1 Spoke of their concern regarding speeding vehicles through the village, particuly Gipsey Drove. Chairman Jones explained this has been discussed at previous meetings and communication has been made with Lincolnshire road safety to look into the matter.
MOP 2 Expresssed interest in co-option onto the council and introduced themselves and their reasons for wanting to be part of the local council.
1.03 Welcome from Chairman Cllr Neil Jones
Chairman moved item 13 after item 3 in light of the public speaking.
3.03 Apologies and reasons None received, District Ashton will be joining meeting later.
3.03 Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 10th January 2023, Chairman Cllr Neil Jones, seconded Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, all voted in favour RESOLVED Minutes were signed and date by Chairman.
13.03 Speed indicators Report from councillor Wood. update from road safety partnership distributed to all councillors. Discuss response from Road Safety partnership. Average speed 40mph. Discussion to communicate with PCSO and get results of Archers survey. , Thank you to Cllr John Wood for the continue work with the SID.
4.03 Reports District and County Council District Cllr Neil Jones Cllr in his capacity as ELDistrict Cllr reported on the charites available including the Natuional Lottery and one in Lincoln which is to help low income families during the COLC. District Neil Jones also discussed the business grants available through EDLC for new and existing businesses.
5.03 Finances proposal to pay as listed Salary January, February, 308.14 308.14 B.Kendrick, December extra hours B Kendrick (5.5) 59.90, January Extra Hours (6) 65.34, Hall purchases 94.37, Tables purchase 900, Fire Extinguisher 57.50 + 19.50, Green Bin Purchase 77,St Margarets Church 200, Defibrilater pad purchase 32.48, January, February Hall Water 5 5, January, February Hall Electric 59.31, 123.78, Lawn landscaping 900, LALC yearly subscription 159.39 All payments made. RESOLVED.
6.03 Langrick Hall heaters Discussion into the cost effectiveness of the current hall heaters, Clerk to look into alternatives and research.
7.03 Newsletter Cllr Ashely Morris discussed restrting the Langrick newsletter. Discussion to charge for advertisement. Chairman Jones suggested Cllr Ashely Morris to make a copy for the nest meeting. Cllr Ashley Morris proposed the re making of the newsletter, seconded by Cllr Wood, RESOLVED.
8.03 Clerk additional hours Chairman Jones proposed the clerk is allowed up to 3 hours additional to be paid for extra hours per month. Seconded Cllr Marshall. RESOLVED.
9.03 Langrick Hall Chairman Neil Jones discussed the allowing of all dogs within the hall, Cllr Wood against, unless a registered assistance. Cllr Marshall Against, Cllr Standage against, Cllr Ashley Morris abstained from voting. All in agreement to not allow dogs unless registered assistance dogs within the hall premises RESOLVED.
Discussion to increase hall rental charge Chairman Neil Jones proposed an incrfrease to 8 an hour April/October ( 40 a day) and 10 Novemebr/March ( 60 a Day) Proposed Cllr Standage, Seconded Cllr Marshall RESOLVED.
10.03 Langrick Hall Equipment needed - Chairman Neil Jones discussed the clerks concern of the damp within the hall, Clerk instructed to look into dehumidifiers. Chairman Jones discussed the requirement to purchase a new hoover for the hall. Chairman requested clerk to purchase one.
11.03 Frequency of meetings Chairman Jones discussed the frequency of the parish meetings and querried the ned for additional ones, Cllr Wood happy with 6 meeting per year , Cllr Standage no concern for more. Cllr Marshall expressed the council can facilitate an additional meeting if required. Cllr John Wood proposed Cllr David Marshall seconded. RESOLVED
12.03 Planning No planning was discussed.
14.03 Next meeting date Chairman Jones agreed the date of the next two meetings as 12th May 2023 and 4th July 2023.
Chairman Cllr Jones proposed, Seconded by Cllr Marshall all in agreement. RESOLVED.
15.01 Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above; No other correspondence.