May Minutes Annual Council Meeting 12.05.23

Langriville Parish Council Annual Meeting
12th May 2023 7pm – Langrick Village Hall
No public or press in attendance.
In attendance Councillors John Wood, Kathy Roberts, Nigel Standage, David Marshall, Phil Perryman
1.5 Vice Chairman David Marshall call for nominations for Chairman for the coming year, Cllr Kathy Roberts nominated Cllr Wood take the Chair for the year to May 2023 elections, Cllr Perryman seconded, no further nominations, all voted in favour, RESOLVED; Cllr Wood signed and dated the declaration of acceptance of office.
2.5 Nominations for vice Chairman were requested, Cllr Kathy Roberts suggested to defer this until co-option had taken place. Chairman Jones Seconded.
6.5 Co-option of councillors – Cllr Kathy Roberts nominated David Marshall and Nigel Standage to co-opt onto the council. Cllr Perryman seconded. RESOLVED.
Cllr David Marshall & Cllr Nigel Standage joined the meeting.
2.5 Cllr Standage proposed Cllr David Marshall for vice chairman, Cllr Roberts seconded the nomination, no further nominations, all voted in favour, RESOLVED Cllr Marshall signed.
3.5 All councillors signed the declaration of acceptance of office following an uncontested election.
4.5 Chairman Wood proposed that any absent councillors to sign the declaration of acceptance of office prior to next meeting, Cllr Roberts seconded. All in agreement. RESOLVED
5.5 Apologies were heard and accepted from District Cllr Neil Jones and District Cllr Thomas Ashton who both had prior engagements this evening.
7.5 The declaration of interest and request for dispensations all signed by everyone in attendance in accordance with the Localism act 2011.
8.5 Draft notes previously circulated to councillors were proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting held on 14th March 2023, Cllr David Marshall, seconded Cllr Kathy Roberts all present voted in favour RESOLVED Chairman signed and dated the minutes.
9.5 Speed Indicators – Cllr Phil Perryman has now taken over the speed indicators and provided an in-depth report on the recent figures which has been collected. The data collected shows an average speed between 35/40mph. The data collected does not seem to correlate to that of the Archers survey. Chairman Wood proposed setting the speed indicator at Armtree Road to see what data they could collect from there. Cllr David Marshall Seconded. All in agreement. RESOLVED.
10. 5 As no District Cllrs present no report was read.
11.05 Finances – Proposal to pay accounts as listed from Cllr Stanage, seconded Cllr Marshall, – Clerk wages March, April, £308.14, £325, Clerk ILCA Training £144, British Gas £135.26, Anglian Water £5 £5, Hall hoover £95.59, Bulk cleaning supplies hall £161.11, Extra hours March/April £86.55 all voted in favour RESOLVED.
12.05 Planning – application S/096/00197/22 Rectory Farm – Appeal for the planning to go ahead, all welcome to attend 13TH June 10am.
Erection of dwelling S/096/00847/23 Landn adjacent to Ivydene House, Gipsey Drove – supported by Council – no further comments.
13.05 (A) Council read out statements on the annual governance documents all agreed Proposed, seconded signed and dated by Chairman (B) Accounting statement and internal auditors report proposed Chairman Wood, seconded Cllr Roberts, and RESOLVED signed and dated by Chairman. Council RESOLVED to submit the Certificate of Exemption to External auditors as neither income nor expenditure exceeded £25,000; signed and dated by Chairman.
14.05 Village Hall fees – council discussed the current fees of the hall. Taking into consideration the size of the hall and surrounding village hall fees Cllr Marshall proposed an hourly fee of £8.50 and a daily charge of £40, seconded by Cllr Roberts, all in agreement. RESOLVED.
15.05 Village Hall events, Chairman Wood requested to defer this agenda item until next meeting, Cllr Standage seconded. RESOLVED.
16.05 Clerks report – Clerks reported the new regular bookings the hall has each week. Report to fix my street regarding two fly tipped chairs which have since been removed. Clerk reports the defibrillator battery at Langrick Hall is showing half charge and may require a replacement soon.
Meeting closed.
Next meeting July 4th