July 2023 Minutes

Langriville Parish Council Meeting
4th July 2023 7pm
Langrick Village Hall.
In attendance Chairman Cllr John Wood, District Cllr Niel Jones, Cllr Paula Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr Phil Perryman, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Nigel Standage.
1.07 Welcome from Chairman Cllr John Wood
2.07 Apologies and reasons District Cllr Ashton will be joining meeting prior engagement.
3.07 Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 12th May 2023, Chairman Cllr John Wood, seconded Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, all voted in favour RESOLVED minutes were signed and date by Chairman.
4.07 Speed indicators Report from Cllr Perryman. – update from a repeat of the speed indicators being used at two three separate sites in Parish – Gipsey Drove, Armtree road and Meerbooth Road. Data collected does not seem to correspond to that of the archers survey. Speed in excess of 70mph noted on all the locations. 43mph is noted in reports as the average speed. Cllr Perryman suggests sending data we have collated to road safety partnership. Cllr Ashleigh-Morris volunteered to speak with Greeves in order to see what speed reducing measures we may be able to obtain, such as chicanes. Thank you to Cllr Perryman for the continue work with the SID.
5.07 Reports – District and County Council – District Cllr Neil Jones Cllr in his capacity as District Cllr reported on the there is still an ongoing warm home grant available from East Lindsey District Council, which can help and assists older homes without insulation, older doors or windows and also roof lagging. The scheme is not means tested so available to anyone in requirement. Cllr Ashleigh-Morris reported the county reports, discussing on the riparian drains. Which are any dykes or drains the other side of your own property which are your responsibility to keep clear. District Cllr Neil Jones requested leave from the meeting as he had another meeting to attend.
6.07 Finances – proposal to pay as listed.
* Salary May £325,
* Salary June £325,
* British Gas May £82.79,
* British Gas June £55.61
* Audit £75
* Fire stop - £19.50
* Anglian Water June £5
* Parish Election Fees £48.50
* Insurance - £451.16
* Hall/ Office supplies - £143.74
All payments made. RESOLVED.
7.07 Langrick Hall events – Discussion into the way in which council uses hall, possible events to hold. Cllr Ashleigh-Morris mentioned a Facebook boost. Ideas for events the council can promote welcome at next meeting.
8.07 Planning - Application S/096/00847 Landn adjacent to Ivydene House – Approval of reserved Matters. No action required. RESOLVED.
9.07 Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above: Clerk reports how well the village hall grass is taking and may require a cut very soon. Clerk reports that the hall bookings are very good, and a good amount of people have regular bookings every week.
Next meeting date – Chairman Cllr Wood proposed the next meetings to be held on 5th September 2023, Seconded by Cllr Marshall all in agreement. RESOLVED.