June 2024 Minutes

Langriville Parish Annual Council Meeting
18th June 2024 7pm 
Langrick Village Hall. 
In attendance Cllr John Wood, Cllr Phil Perryman, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Nigel Standage, Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr Julie Reynolds, Cllr Katie Chalmers.

1.06 Welcome from Chairman 

2.06 Apologies For absence – none given. 

3.06 Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the       meeting held on the 14th May 2024, Chairman Cllr John Wood, seconded Cllr     Perryman, all voted in favour RESOLVED Minutes were signed and date by Chairman.
4.06    Elan Speed indicators – Cllr Perryman reported that the new speed signs have shown that the speeds are coming down. 45% of vehicles were reported as speeding, whereas it was 85% prior to the new signs. Overall the signs have made a significant difference.

    District Cllr Ashton joined the meeting
5.06    Reports – District and County Council – District Cllr Ashton reported that there was a lot of focus on the general election. There is currently no update on the bus service through Antons Gowt but he's doing everything in his power to facilitate a meeting between himself and Brylaine, again due to the general election there may be a delay hoping for July. 

6.06    NG Pylons first proposal and second phase, in regards to the pylons all seems quiet not much to report. District Cllr Ashton reported that they will still push to get the Fenland area as an outstanding area of beauty. But there is no guarantee of this.
7.06     Bus Service – an update of this was given by District Cllr Ashton within his report, as stated no update.
8.06     Web Master – the clerk requested the council take up the Webmaster service from LALC, where boy the Webmaster takes control of the council website and publishes all the necessary documents. This comes at a cost of around £85 for the whole year which equates to five hours work. This is believed to be enough for the council. Proposed by Cllr Marshall, seconded Cllr Standage. RESOLVED.
9.06     Standing orders and council policies – all councillors were able to view the updated versions of the financial regulations code of conduct and risk assessments for the council, all councillors signed in agreement to accept them.
10.06     Update on AGAR – the Clerk provided an update on the AGAR, R Bowhen reported that the internal audit had been completed and it was just some policies and standing orders which needed updating before it could be submitted. All accounts in order and available for the counsellors to see. 
11.06    Finances – proposal to pay as listed. 
* Salary May £347
* May Anglian water £10
* Grit bins £380
* May British Gas £68.48
All payments made. RESOLVED. 
12.06    Clerks report on any other correspondence – the clerk reported that Anglian Water had increased the direct debit from £5 to £10 to cover to the amount of users of the hall now. 
    Next meeting date – Chairman Cllr Wood proposed the next meetings to be held on 23rd July 2024, Seconded by Cllr Marshall all in agreement. RESOLVED.