September 2024 Minutes

Langriville Parish Annual Council Meeting
10th September July 2024 7pm 

Langrick Village Hall. 
In attendance Chairman Cllr John Wood, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Katie Chalmers, Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, District Cllr Ashton & District Cllr Neil Jones.

1.09         Welcome from Chairman 
2.09         Apologies For absence – received Cllr Reynolds, Accepted and noted. Cllr Standage absent.

Chairman Wood expressed interest in agenda item 9.09 and will not be partaking in this item.

3.09           Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 23rd July 2024, Chairman Cllr John Wood, seconded Cllr Perryman, all voted in favour RESOLVED Minutes were signed and date by Chairman.

4.09    Elan Speed indicators – Cllr Chalmers brought it to the councils attention that the speed monitors are faulty and do not read correctly, traveling by foot the monitor picked up a high speed on Gipsey Drove. Cllr Marshall stated that the monitor in Antons Gowt works very well and always picks up his vehicle correctly. Cllr Perryman reported that the news reported 26 villages have reported speeding in villages in Lincolnshire and plans to make contact with those villages to enquire what their issues are. Most of those villages reporting 44% speeders through villages. Cllr Perryman reported that Thornten Le Fen has similar issues still. 60% of the traffic within the speed limit on Gipsey Drove and similar figures shown for Meer Booth Road. Cllr Perryman is still offering his assistance to Thornten Le Fen with their speed monitor. District Cllr Jones has expressed how well we have managed the speeding issues and how well we as a parish have managed this and reduced the speeders. District Cllr Ashton reported that the measures we have gone to have clearly had a positive effect, the data we have produced supports that of the district council to reduce the speed limit on Meer Booth Road down from a 40mph to a 30mph. mentioned it would be worth speaking to the road safety partnership to see what other assistance or ideas they may have.

5.09    Reports – District and County Council – District Cllr Jones reported grants are still available for a small project with the parish. New Grant £10 Million east linsey investment fund, revitalising town centres ( Mablethorpe etc) District Cllr Jones would like to be involved with that, it help with cameras, painting shop doorways, street furniture (Cllr Chalmers mentioned applying to get a new bus stop, Bus shelter in which Cllr Chalmers was referring to is that of in Antons Gowt. Which could benefit from a shelter. none on Meer Booth road and the Gipsey Bridge one is in need of repair). Information will be on the website regarding this. Children up to 11 years old for pictures which they have drawn to go on the side of bin lorries. Search for ‘Champions’ someone in east linsey that has done something worth recognising. Strategy to deal with vulnerable people, has been put together by several services to help with lots of problems.
District Cllr Ashton reported that the government has paused funding for road schemes. Over July and August just shy of 8000 pot holes have been repaired across Lincolnshire, shows the money put into highways is making a difference. Any pot holes or issues report to him to be chased up.
District Cllr Ashton and District Cllr Jones left the meeting to attend another meeting.

6.09    Finances – proposal to pay as listed. RESOLVED
Wages - £347
Audit - £150
Insurance – £571.60
Sand & Planters - £71.19
August Anglian water - £20
August British gas – £29.97

7.09    Planning – Notification of Appeal on Planning Permission 
    S/086/01190/24 Consultation from the planning Inspectorate on the EIA scoping opinion regarding the DCO for the proposed Grimsby to Walpole project. – email sent to councillors response was needed within 7 days of 23rd August) no response or comments made to report.
S/096/01040/24 Kirsha, Armtree Road – Planning permission grated for extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation with the erection of a double garage – no plans could be seen online however no objections made by councillors. 

8.09        Diocese update – meeting held with a representative from Chatterton’s acting on behalf of the diocese. Request of the last three years of accounts of the hall and the insurance to be provided so an up to date agreement can be made. 

9.09    Letter regarding Holme Farm – Complaint made to the council regarding a property in Antons Gowt. Vice Chairman Ashleigh-Morris read the complaint letter from a resident in Antons Gowt, Cllrs discussed that the vehicles are parked on his property and there is now power we have. No more can be done. Cllr Chalmers proposed we do not do anything more, Seconded Cllr Ashleigh-Morris. RESOLVED

10.09     Langrick Matters – Update of payment for hall usage. Chairman Wood received a cheque for the outstanding payments for the use of the hall from Cllr Ashleigh-Morris. All payments now up to date. Cllr Ashleigh-Morris no other update.

11.09    Clerks report on any other correspondence – no other correspondence 
Next meeting date – Chairman Cllr Wood proposed the next meetings to be held on 
12th November 2024, Seconded by Cllr Marshall all in agreement. RESOLVED.