January 2023 Minutes

Langriville Parish Council Meeting
10th January 2023 7pm
Langrick Village Hall.
In attendance Chairman Cllr Neil Jones, District Cllr Thomas Ashton, Cllr Paula Ashleigh-Morris, Cllr John Wood, Cllr David Marshall, Cllr Nigel Standage & Kathy Roberts.
1.01 Welcome from Chairman Cllr Neil Jones
2.01 Apologies and reasons heard from Cllr Katie Chalmers reason due to resignation.
3.01 Draft Notes previously circulated were proposed as a true and correct record of the meeting held on the 2nd November 2022, Chairman Cllr Neil Jones, seconded Cllr Ashleigh-Morris, all voted in favour RESOLVED Minutes were signed and date by Chairman.
4.01 Reports – District and County Council – Cllr Jones in his capacity as EL District Cllr reported on the additional money that has been allocated towards road repairs of £5 million. District Cllr Ashton will endeavour on our highways walk with the highways manager to determine any issues and problems. Discussed that purple bins should now have been delivered to residents some counsellors still missing their bins request to clerk to send a copy of the bin collection poster to all counsellors. Chairman Cllr Jones stated a private firm would be appointed for the dog fouling and fly tipping within the parish. On the subject of devolution the outcome of most recent talks indicates thar the idea has been shelved.
5.01 Finances – proposal to pay as listed Salary August / September £505, K Roberts retiring clerk + HMRC £120, Clerk, B Kendrick September £308.14, B Kendrick October £308.14 J Roberts grass cutting 3 cuts of all areas £45 & £35 Hall electric DD £29.28, Hall water DD £5 per month, Diocese £52. All payments made. RESOLVED.
6.01 Budget/Precept request –
7.01 Langrick Church -
8.01 Hall tables -
9.01 Green Bin Purchase -
10.01 Langrick Hall Lawn -
11.01 Langrick Hall Fire Extinguishers -
12.11 Planning – Planning Application S/096/01917/22 – Planning permission- change of use private outdoor training arena to commercial outdoor training arena. no objections. proposed Chairman Cllr Jones seconded Cllr Marshall RESOLVED.
Planning Application S/096/01965/22 – proposed Extension to existing commercial premises to provide a porch and erection of a new storage building. Council discussed the proposed planning application counsellor wood and councillor Marshall had some queries. Chairman Cllr Jones requested Clerk to send correspondence to east Lindsey council to request further details regarding the outdoor storage building. Information to follow.
13.01 Defibrilators -
14.01 Speed Indicators – Cllr Jones gave his report off the speed indicators and traffic management. It was discussed that while the speed in which cars are travelling is usually around 35 to 40 mph there seems to be an increase in the volume of traffic. Up to 6500 vehicles per week. Councillors discussed and stated there is no way to alter the volume of traffic. Chairman Cllr Jones proposed to call the highway due to the speed limit. Cllr Wood proposed using the camera for the next six weeks and to record the findings prior to going to highways. Seconded by Cllr Marshall all in agreement. RESOLVED, Thank you to Cllr John Wood for the continue work with the SID
15.01 Clerks report on any correspondence not covered above; No other correspondence.
Date and time agreed for next meeting– Tuesday 14th March 2023